Sep 23, 2007

Spanish Eating


In Spain recently I ordered a meal, on the menu it was called Ox.
When it arrived amidst much hilarity I discovered that I had to cook my own meat.
in fact the little stove provided was remarkably efficent and I managed to cook 2kgs of meat fairly quickly and rather well I thought. Unfortunately my daughte and one of my grandchildren sitting opposite finished covered in a fine spray of fat.
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Sep 22, 2007

Gardens of Paris

Paris Tour
Originally uploaded by Scete
A couple of years ago we visited a number of gardens in France on a tour. Interestingly the one we admired the most was Monet's. Though it was the least grand of them all. Versailles and Fontainebleau were very large and formal whereas Monet's garden was a riot of colour and shape.


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.