Oct 18, 2009

US balloon boy

US balloon boy case 'was a hoax'

A US sheriff has said the case of six-year-old Falcon Heene who was believed to be adrift in a hot air balloon, prompting a major alert, was a hoax.

Sheriff Jim Alderden said the parents of the boy were actors and had put on a "good show for us, and we bought it".

Oct 11, 2009

New Books in the Library

"Please Don't Hurt Me" by I. Bruce Easley

"The Proper Use of Sunscreens" by Justin Casey Burns

"Allegiance to the King" by Neil Downe

"Bad Falls" by Eileen Dover

"The State of General Motors" by Mitch Egan

"Karate and You" by Marsha Larts

"Cry Wolf" by Al Armist

"A History of the Tour de France" by Cy Kling

"Explaining Yourself" by Clara Fie

"The Lumberjack's Life" by Tim Burr