Jul 13, 2011

Interesting news for Jews

I came across this in "Israel Alliance"
Below is a quote from part of the article....

In sharp contrast to conventional wisdom, the UN Population Division reports a sharp decline of fertility rate (number of births per woman) in Muslim and Arab countries, except in Afghanistan and Yemen. The myth of “doubling Muslim population every 20 years” has been shattered against the rocks of modernity and reality. UNESCO’s Director-General, Koichiro Matsuura, stated, during a May 22, 2007 UNESCO conference on Population – From Explosion to Implosion:
“There is an abrupt slowdown in the rate of population growth… also in many countries where women have only limited access to education and employment… In the last fifty years, median fertility has fallen from 5.4 to 2.1 [births per woman]… There is not the slightest reason to assume that the decline in fertility will miraculously stop just at replacement level (2.1 births)….”
The collapse of Muslim fertility rates is a derivative of modernization, rapid urbanization and internal security concerns by dictators. They fear the consequences of rapid population growth, while economic growth lags far behind. As a result, the UN Population Division has reduced its 2050 population projections by 25 percent, from 12 billion to 9 billion, possibly shrinking to 7.4 billion.
For instance, the fertility rate in Iran has declined ­ as directed by its religious leaders – from 9 births per woman, 30 years ago, to 1.8 births in 2007. The Muslim religious establishment has also promoted decreasing fertility rates in Saudi Arabia and Egypt, from 8 and 7 births per woman 30 years ago, to less than 4 and 2.5 births respectively in 2007. Jordan, which is demographically similar to Judea and Samaria, and Syria have diminished from 8 births per woman, 30 years ago, to less than 3.5 in 2007. A substantial dive of fertility rates in Muslim countries – trending toward 2-3 births per woman – is documented by the Population Resource Center in Washington, DC.
According to demographic precedents, there is only a slim probability that high fertility rates can be resurrected following a sustained period of significant reduction."

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