Oct 1, 2008

A different view of the trees

I was thinking of what Chesterton said."It is the opposite of what we think. The trees from time to time, to wave their branches and create the wind!" I find this idea most appealing..

Merton's lovely lines from his poem — The Storm at Night:
The mind fights homeward to the beach,
Works loose, half dead from the huge seas,
And lets its poor mute mask be lifted to the light;
So sleep can leak away and leave
The water-dazzled eyes to wake and wonder.
For morning works a miracle of sun and silence,
And light drowns in the trees.

Wind and light how often are these words used in poetry to convey, not only beauty but also fear ,blinding light' or 'howling wing', 'gently breeze' or 'dappled light'.

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